A peculiar virtue in wildlife ethics is that the hunter ordinarily has no gallery to applaud or disapprove of his conduct. Whatever his acts, they are dictated by his own conscience, rather than that of onlookers. It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of this fact. - Aldo Leopold

Thursday, July 1, 2010

More Feral Pigs!

Mary saw 5 feral pigs outside our east gate yesterday morning. They were all smaller than the one we saw in early June, and in the same area.

When she let our dogs out, they ran over to the fence near the gate, barking the whole time, and the pigs ran away. They're clearly not afraid of the house, but the dogs do keep them away.

It's somewhat disturbing that there were more of them, but I'm sure that their numbers on our property varies quite a bit. As I mentioned before, they can be very harmful to the environment and habitat, and we have seen signs of their rooting up the soil. I later walked over to where Mary saw them and there were no signs of rooting.

We'll just have to keep track of them and continue our efforts to control them. In addition to hunting, we also have a trap out, but so far, it hasn't caught one.



    What does the trap look like? I picture a piece of string tied to a stick propping up a cardboard box with a wedge of cheese underneath. Feral pigs love wedges of cheese. Or at least that's what I'm adding that to the wikipedia page.

  2. Hah! I love that image, right out of Looney Tunes! We should try it, because the one we have isn't working so well.

    It's a small pen, about 4 feet high, with doors that open inward and are kept closed by springs. The idea is you put something attractive to the pigs inside it and one goes in and that can't get out. I'll try to get a photo and post about it.
